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 Bodh Foundation - ǁ बोध फाउंडेशन ǁ  

🙏 Welcomes You 🙏

B(caps)odh Foundation is a Non-Govt. Organisation/Association blend of socio-spiritual, Bodh, Info and Services based association founded and lead by A K Mishra. It was set up with a target to obliterate erroneousness and promote a scientific, psychological, technological, service based as well as spiritual attitude towards life.

The Foundation facilitates A K Mishra Info, Idea’s & Services at various platforms and also organises Wisdom or Bodh retreats, online/off-line lectures, conferences, and one-to-one counselling’s with him. These work depends on overall Top experts of that field with refreshed, Knowledge & Information, so that these Teachings, Information as services that are at fundamental level of the vision & mission, reach as many in the limited time as possible.

The Foundation works with a missionary enthusiasm towards creating an intelligent, reality based and help based human society; and the mission functions mainly through a self however expects set of committed volunteers, each acting naturally established profoundly in similar thoughts.

The Foundation has been a pioneering force in the field of ‘Healing of Life with Holistic Consciousness' and different alternate ways across entire mankind, under the guiding light of Master’s, for more than a decade now. Apart from this, it engages in various educational, Technological & services provider activities to spread awareness to all age group individuals on socio-cultural, environmental, spiritual and materialistic enhancement of life to get essential human freedom.

Today, the Foundation has touched and affected the lives of individuals, and these numbers are only going to multiply in the coming times. We aspire to Come and start your Effortful Realization based on the teachings of Masters, All Scriptures, Science-based, genuine innovation utilizes from humans to the humankind. Start your Journey here.

बोध फॉउंडेशन
Bodh Foundation

वेद | वेदांत | भक्ति | संत | धर्म | दर्शन दर्शनिक | युवा | शुद्ध शाकाहार | जलवायु परिवर्तन | विचार | समाज | लेखक | कवि | विज्ञान | प्रौद्योगिकी | मनोविज्ञान | बोध | आध्यात्मिकता |

Ved | Vedanta | Bhakti | Saints | Society | Meditation | Veganism | Environmental Change | Philosophers | Religion | Philosophy | Youth | Consciousness | Writers | Poets | Science | Technology | Psychology | Awareness | Spirituality Mysticism |


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